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Modules & Submodules

Unlock the Full Potential of Financial Risk Management

Each component of our platform is meticulously designed to offer unparalleled insights and analytics, enhancing decision-making and operational efficiency across financial institutions.

Pushing Innovation
Problems we solve
Ready-made solutions tailored To your data-intensive needs
We transform uncertainty into opportunity


The Scenario Module employs advanced ML and QML algorithms to design, expand, and roll forward scenarios. This module enables proactive risk mitigation and strategic decision-making by offering tools for rapid scenario expansion and in-depth analysis of potential market conditions. It is instrumental in assessing potential trend of market, understanding correlation effect between different market variables.


The Pre-Provision Net Revenue Module analyses assets, liabilities, equity, income, operating expenses, and tax considerations to project revenue. It covers key metrics such as asset and liability volume, NII, NFI, FTP, and margin projections. This aids banks in strategic planning while ensuring regulatory compliance. The module prepares institutions for potential downturns, crucial for proactive decision-making and strategic resilience.


The Risk Module in SCENARIO X provides a comprehensive solution for managing a wide range of financial risks, including market, counterparty, credit, and operational risks. This module enables financial institutions to estimate and forecast key metrics such as Expected Credit Losses (ECL), Value at Risk (VaR), and Risk-Weighted Assets (RWA) according to predefined scenarios. It supports continuous risk monitoring, ensuring not only regulatory compliance but also alignment with the institution’s risk appetite and business objectives.


Scenario X’s Console Module serves as a central hub for critical financial data and insights, pulling together information from various modules including Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss, Liquidity, Capital, and Management Actions. This integrated dashboard streamlines the analysis and decision-making process, enabling financial institutions to access consolidated views of their financial status and operational health, thereby enhancing efficiency and strategic oversight.

Accelerate your analytics with our quantum use-cases


Your Business Challenge & Your Solutions with SCENARIO X

Inconsistent risk assessment results.

Time-consuming regulatory compliance.

Limited stress testing capabilities.

Data silos hindering unified risk view.

Inflexible financial forecasting models.

Slow reaction to market volatility.

Inconsistent risk assessment results.

Time-consuming regulatory compliance.

Limited stress testing capabilities.

Data silos hindering unified risk view.

Inflexible financial forecasting models.

Slow reaction to market volatility.

Scenario X traction

Our success in numbers

Assets under analysis
Happy Customers
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